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Wireless Sensor Networks: A Few Research Problems and Applications

Speaker: Feng Zhao Microsoft Research Asia
Time: 2010-12-02 14:00-2010-12-02 15:00
Venue: FIT 1-222
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In this talk I will present a few problems from the systems, networking, and information processing aspects of wireless sensor networks, and describe their current solutions and limitations. I will also give an overview of applications of sensor networks to environment, energy, and health.

Short Bio:

I am an Assistant Managing Director at Microsoft Research Asia, where I oversee multiple research areas including hardware computing, software analytics, systems, and wireless and networking. My own research has focused on networked embedded systems such as sensor networks, energy and resource management of distributed systems as in data centers and cloud computing, and mobile devices and mobility. I have also done work on parallel computing, fast N-body algorithms, machine recognition and diagnostics.

Prior to Microsoft Research Asia, I was a Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research Redmond, where I founded and managed the Networked Embedded Computing Group. The group has developed the MSR sensor mote, tiny Web Service, SenseWeb and SensorMap, Data Center Genome, JouleMeter, and GAMPS data compression.  With the help of some of these technologies, today the Microsoft data centers are among the most densely instrumented and monitored cloud computing infrastructures in the world.

I received my PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT, have taught at Stanford University and Ohio State University, and currently also serve as an Affiliate Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering at University of Washington and an adjunct Professor at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. I was a Principal Scientist at Xerox PARC and founded PARC’s research effort in sensor networks and distributed diagnostics. I serve as the founding Editor-In-Chief of ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, and have authored or co-authored over 100 technical papers and books, including a book published by Morgan Kaufmann — Wireless Sensor Networks: An information processing approach. An IEEE Fellow and ACM Distinguished Engineer, I received a Sloan Research Fellowship and NSF and ONR Young Investigator Awards. My work has been featured in news media such as BBC World News, BusinessWeek, and Technology Review.  

