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Vice President Yong Qiu's Remarks at ICS 2011

January 07,2011


Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning!

On behalf of Tsinghua University, I’d like to extend the warmest welcome to all of you to Innovations in Computer Science 2011!

Tsinghua University has paid much attention to Information Science and has made much progress in that field. This year, 2011, Tsinghua University will celebrate its centenary anniversary, and ICS is one of the highlighted events. Last year, ICS 2010 witnessed a great success with the publication of the high-level conference proceedings by Tsinghua University Press.

As one of the top-ranking international academic conferences in theoretical computer science, Innovations in Computer Science is initiated and hosted by the Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences.

Prof. Andrew Yao is the head of the institute, who is a world leading computer scientist. Professor Yao has always been devoted to the development of information science in China. Under his leadership, the Institute would surely further promote the development of Information Science and cultivate the next generation of scientific talents in China. 

I believe ICS 2011 will help to enhance the research levels and innovation ability of China’s Information Science. And I wish it a great success and I also wish you all have a pleasant stay in Beijing, in Tsinghua.   

Thank you very much!
