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The Establishment Ceremony of ITCS

January 02,2007

The Establishment Ceremony of Institute for Theoretical Computer Science was held on Jan. 2nd 2007 at Tsinghua University.   

The Institute for Theoretical Computer Science (ITCS) is a new institute headed by Professor Andrew Chi-Chih Yao at Tsinghua University. Its mission is to nurture and develop the talents of students and researchers and to create knowledge for the advancement of computer science. It also aims to become one of the leading research centers on theoretical computer science in the world.  

At 4p.m. Jan. 2nd, the establishment ceremony of Institute for Theoretical Computer Science announced its beginning at the Rm.103, Region 10, East Main Building. Kejun Kang, Zhisheng Niu, Chuang Lin, Andrew Chi-Chih Yao and other distinguished guest attended the Establishment Ceremony. The ceremony was hosted by Chuang Lin. During the ceremony, Kejun Kang and Zhisheng Niu expressed their congratulations and best wishes to ITCS. Prof. YAO showed his appreciation to Tsinghua University for her great support to ITCS. Also, he expressed his determination and confidence in leading ITCS, Tsinghua University into one of the best research centers in the field of theoretical computer science. At 6p.m., the ceremony was succesfully ended.  




The Establishment Ceremony of ITCS
