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Loop Quantum Gravity and Quantum Geometry

Speaker: Prof. Muxin Han Florida Atlantic University
Time: 2016-12-27 14:00-2016-12-27 15:00
Venue: MMW-S327


Loop Quantum Gravity is a promising theory of non-perturbative quantum gravity. It is also a theory of quantum space and time. In this talk, the motivations, ideas, and concepts in Loop Quantum Gravity will be introduced in a non-technical language. The properties and consequences of quantum spacetime geometry will be introduced. Some of the main results and open issues will be reviewed in the end. 

Short Bio:

- Dec 2010, PhD with distinction at Humboldt University in Berlin & Max-Planck-Institute in Gravitational Physics, Germany.

- Sep 2010- Aug 2012, Postdoc Researcher at Centre de Physique Theorique de Marseille, CNRS, France.

- Sep 2012- Aug 2014, Marie Curie Fellowship at Centre de Physique Theorique de Marseille, CNRS, France.

- Sep 2014- Aug 2015, Humboldt Fellowship at University of Erlangen, Germany.

- Aug 2015- Present, Assistant Professor at Florida Atlantic University, USA.
